Joint effort to study emotional ownership and attachment in virtual communities. Join in to plan nice studies and collaborative writing on the topic.
Dedicated work of educators and institutions to create, share and remix open educational resources most often goes without any official valorisation. A workshops will be given qt the 7th September at the OEI2 conference and sets out to gather ideas and bring together interested individuals in order to change that. It starts out with a presentation and outline of the session. Participants will introduce themselves, their interests and personal goals for the workshop on the theme Launching European OER awards- A question of quality. A short introduction on OER will be given, followed by input on the current state of the art on OER and quality to serve as a common ground for further discussion and contributions.
Develop a proposal for an online course to introduce stakeholders from the tourism sector to Educational Tourism (ET). The course will provide a brief introduction to Educational Tourism (definition and examples) discuss the current and emerging forms of ET, including its market potential, and provide guidance for its successful implementation.
this is a scenario incorporating positive computing/ positive psychology elements to address the challenges of technostress
demo demo demo
my positive scenario for online calculus education
New proposal idea New proposal idea
wellbeing course wellbeing course
this is a new idea this is a new idea
Educational Project 1